Thursday, August 14, 2008

Introducing Myself and My Blog

One reason for this blog is to use it to explain why I am so critical of Christian fundamentalism. I am writing a book on it. My rejection of it is not because I am an atheist or a cynic or Jewish (well, okay, partly because of that) or because I just have an analytical mind and didn't know what to do with my M.A. in philosophy. It’s because I see little difference between thinking people of different race are inferior and thinking people of different or no faith have an inferior relationship with God or are misguided. It’s also because, if any group is going to make outrageously grandiose claims about itself—that it’s way is the only way—and outrageously judgmental claims about how lost everyone else is, then it damn well better be able to show why such claims are true. Christian fundamentalism has utterly failed to do that and doesn’t even know it. In fact, it doesn't care. It is a religion not of reason but of faith. In fact, it believes in faith and in belief more than it does God. It is an idolatry of faith. So this blog is not for fundamentalists but will be for those who want to better understand the many reasons Christian fundamentalism is indefensible....spiritual, moral, and intellectual folly. It dehumanizes others and stands in the way of making a better world.
My other passion has been doing nature photography and being in the mountains. It began in the Sierra Nevada in the 50’s. I've placed one of my images in each blog entry. You can see more at my color nature photography website where they can also be purchased.
In time, I’ll post some poetry and other writings.
I’ll also insert some sound files of me singing some of the songs I’ve loved playing (guitar) and singing for years.
I call my blog "Mystery to Mystery" because, the older I get, the more strange and unnecessary beliefs seem to me about where we come from and what the alleged God wants of us and where we're going. To me, the fear and the need for assurances tell not of faith in God but of a lack of it. It all inspires me not to get right with God or to even figure out if there is one but to live with gratitude in the creation and as a part of it, and let the rest take care of itself.

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